Dobrodružné firemné darčeky, Propagačné produkty, Logo darčeky


Som Rudolf, zakladateľ spoločnosti SEIK. Túto spoločnosť som založil v ôsmej triede s ambicióznym cieľom urobiť ľudí okolo seba šťastnejšími. Už našimi prvými šťastnými kalendármi sme inšpirovali niekoľko spoločností. Happy Calendar rozveseľuje pracovný život každodennými výzvami. Dnes máme zmenu, ktorá našimi produktmi inšpiruje viac ako 100 000 ľudí v Pobaltí, severských krajinách a v celej Európe. SEIK v estónčine znamená dobrodružstvo – a to je všetko, čo vám chceme dať.

Dovoľte nám inšpirovať vás, vašich spolupracovníkov, kľúčových partnerov a milých zákazníkov.

Rudolf-Gustav Hanni / Founder of SEIK Publisher

Inšpirovali sme viac ako 10 000 ľudí v rôznych spoločnostiach

We have been ordering Happy Calendars now for at least 7 years in a row. Our employers couldn’t imagine a year without. Happy Calendar cheers up our team with small challenges – sometimes we have a great laugh, other time we seriously go and make a pillow fight, when the calendar says so.

Heili / Mitt & Perlebach

We loved to collaborate with SEIK. First we planned to make one calendar just in English. Designers offered to make instead calendars separately in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and even in France. Designer has great taske and matched calendar with our unique design and branding. Especially we loved table calendars with wooden base.

Mark / Virbac

Do Vianoc je ešte čas


Seik gifts with 20% discount

We have a wide range of inspiring gifts for any occasion – whether for Christmas, celebrating colleagues birthday or welcoming new customer. Get a discount for SEIK products, when ordering them as a Business customer. For quantities over 10 pcs ask special price.

Add your logo & design on the product

Add a personal attach to the product. We offer a possibility for you to customize designs – add a logo, your images or even your events and deeds to Happy Calendar or other products.

Order custom product development

Our designers are ready to help you with any kind of product idea – we help to develop the idea, make the prototype and get them produced on time. We can help with graphic design, illustrations, production and shipping directly to receivers. We love to bring your new ideas to life.

Let’s make a inspiring & instagramable gifts this year

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Founder of SEIK Publisher
[email protected]
+372 5661 6462


Seik OÜ
Parda 5, 10151 Tallinn
[email protected]